Scope of

Wealth Watch Advisory, is a registered investment adviser regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Our advisers provide financial advisory services on behalf of Wealth Watch Advisors, Inc., specializing in:

  • Investment management
  • Financial planning
  • Retirement planning
  • Estate planning
  • Tax planning

Some of our advisers offer guidance on a broad range of financial products, while others focus on specific areas of expertise. More information about our advisers can be found here.

Commissions, Fees
and Conflicts

Product providers may compensate Wealth Watch Advisory for business conducted, with commissions potentially based on a percentage of the annual premium, mortgage value, or contract value.

These commissions are paid to Wealth Watch Advisory, which has agreements with product providers to distribute their financial products.

Wealth Watch Advisory distributes the received commissions to the relevant member businesses, retaining a portion and possibly providing periodic rebates to these member businesses.

The commission amount and the presence of ongoing payments depend on the specific financial provider and product type.

Advisers affiliated with Wealth Watch Advisory are compensated by their respective member businesses and may receive bonuses based on the volume and value of financial products they distribute.

Additionally, advisers might receive subsidized professional development training from financial providers.

Both Wealth Watch Advisory and its member businesses may receive payments from product suppliers and financial platform providers corresponding to the business placed with them.

Furthermore, Wealth Watch Advisory may obtain funding from suppliers for marketing efforts and participation in periodic conferences.

Clients may incur fees for services rendered by advisers of Wealth Watch Advisory; such fees will be disclosed to clients in advance.

Clients might also bear third-party fees resulting from recommended investments, which can include fund manager fees, administration fees, performance fees, and transaction fees.

These fees will be transparently communicated to clients.

To ensure that advisers prioritize clients' interests above their own, Wealth Watch Advisory enforces an advisory process that bases recommendations on clients' goals and circumstances.

All advisers are regulated by the SEC and adhere to a quality assurance process for compliance purposes.


If you are not satisfied with the financial advice service received by a Wealth Watch Advisory adviser, you can file a complaint directly with the adviser using the contact details they have provided.

When a Wealth Watch Advisory adviser receives a complaint, they are required to follow the Wealth Watch Advisory complaints process:

This includes:

  • Informing you of how they intend to address your complaint. The adviser may contact you to gather additional details regarding your concerns.
  • Aiming to resolve complaints within 10 business days. If more time is needed, the adviser will inform you within that period.
  • Contacting you by phone or email with the resolution details. If your complaint remains unresolved or you are not satisfied with the resolution, you may escalate it to an independent dispute resolution service.

For unresolved complaints, you may contact the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for further assistance. More details on filing complaints can be found on their respective websites:


Our Duties

Under U.S. financial regulations, Wealth Watch Advisory and its advisers are committed to:

  • Prioritizing clients' best interests
  • Exercising care, diligence, and fiduciary responsibility
  • Meeting competency, knowledge, and skill standards set by regulatory bodies such as the SEC and FINRA
  • Adhering to ethical conduct, transparency, and client protection guidelines

Wealth Watch Advisory and its advisers uphold the highest professional standards, ensuring the delivery of high-quality financial advice to all clients.